The GHS classification of mixtures is a major challenge. The hazard classes of the individual ingredients must be offset against each other according to a comprehensive set of rules. Our hazardous substance management solution SAFIN offers the necessary tools to carry out such mixture calculations.
The GHS-expert is an expert system within SAFIN with which the GHS classification of any formulation can be calculated. Even mixtures of mixtures are possible. The results of such mixture calculations are transparently listed and clearly explained. You can see how the result came about.
Before a mixture classification with GHS experts is possible, the hazards and physical properties of the ingredients in SAFIN must be recorded. Using flexible search criteria, SAFIN allows direct access to substance data in various databases, such as the more than 130,000 substances published by ECHA. This significantly accelerates the recording of recipes.
Once your recipe has been recorded and classified with the GHS Expert, the transport classification (for road/rail/air/ocean and inland waterway transport), storage class, water hazard class, glove materials, respiratory protection and waste codes can also be derived.
The GHS expert enables the optimization of recipes. The GHS expert, for example, denotes clearly from what quantity of a hazardous ingredient, the ingredient or the danger must be declared by law.
With SAFIN.NET you also have the option of creating safety data sheets for your product in 39 different languages, as well as labels in many formats and languages. Other documents such as operating instructions and transport papers are also accessible at the touch of a button.